1 |
Tell me about effective processes and/or procedures you have developed for wind operations. |
2 |
Provide a system used to track and maintain records for wind operations, such as site performance, downtime events, parts usage, or substation events. |
3 |
Share an effective method you have used to recruit and select wind operations employees, contractors, and subcontractors. Provide an experience. |
4 |
Share an experience in which you successfully oversaw the maintenance of wind field equipment or structures. |
5 |
Share an experience in which you effectively provided technical support for wind field customers, employees, and/or subcontractors. |
6 |
What procedures are followed when ordering parts, tools, or equipment needed to maintain, restore, or improve wind field operations. |
7 |
Provide an experience in which you effectively managed warranty repair or replacement services. What methods made you successful? |
8 |
Provide processes to maintain operations records, such as work orders, site inspection forms, or other documentation. |
9 |
Provide an experience in which you reviewed, negotiated, and approved wind farm contracts. What methods made you successful? |
10 |
What is the state of your records of daily facility operations and operations records? What is something you would like to improve? |
11 |
Share an experience in which you accurately estimated costs associated with operations. |
12 |
Provide an experience in which you effectively established goals, objectives, and/or priorities for wind field operations. |
13 |
Share an experience in which your ability to develop relationships and communicate with other people helped you to be effective in your work. |
14 |
Provide an experience in which you effectively supervised employees and/or subcontractors. How did you ensure quality work and adherence to regulations and policies? |
15 |
Describe an effective method you have used to prepare wind field operational budgets. |